Educator Updates from Google for Education

Google for Education have released a huge series of updates to their products recently. This is in line with the return to school in the Northern Hemisphere

The first big updates were to Meet – the secure and robust Video Conferencing given to schools free with the GSuite for Education tools. Updates and support materials can be found by clicking below

Classroom has been updated with integrations with Meet for security and ease of use.


Originality report updates—Originality reports have new features:

You can now run originality reports in English, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish.
Teachers and students can print or save originality reports.

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With the new features in Google Classroom, you’ll also see that many apps are also launching new features that make their tools easy to use alongside Classroom. Explore these apps to learn how teachers and students can continue to stay organized, interactive, and collaborative with Classroom: CanvaNearpodScreencastifyAchieve3000 and Adobe, to name a few.

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