When a good idea is still a good idea

Three years ago we embarked on a vertical form class structure at school to encourage interaction between age groups rather than the older style of Horizontal homogenous form classes.

To complement this move we instigated a 30 min time where the class would work together on tasks and learning activities to build life skills and 21st Century skills.

This was a tough project as the status quo was easy and ingrained but we persevered and eventually, we began to gain traction with our changes. We supported the staff with activities and ideas for them to use in this 30 min class. We had a belief in our program and worked hard to ensure it was a success so we kept on being positive and providing direction and support. A change of leadership meant that this program was shelved as it had caused some uncomfortable times for the staff and so it was an easy win to put it on hold. Change is always difficult and there will be unhappy people.

Now, after a curriculum review, we find that the program is back under another guise, with a programmed set of tasks to bring future-ready skills and attributes to our students. The same program with a new launch. PS don’t mention the name of the old program !

So is the same program with a new name a better idea ? or was our original idea a good one that is back with a new wrapping? I’m picking option two thanks!

Its great to see an original idea that you knew was a good one bought back under a new guise.

Stick to your guns, persevere and always keep a belief in your ideas.

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